Monday, January 27, 2020

Global Standardisation Or International Adaptation

Global Standardisation Or International Adaptation In the International Marketing field, the debate of standardisation as against adaptation has been significantly researched in the past and is still a highly debatable issue. This debate commenced in 1961 as indicated by Vignali and Vrontis, (1999). Initially this debate mainly focussed on international standardisation with regards to advertising. However, recently, this debate has been extended from just advertising to promotions mix and now to all the seven Ps of the marketing mix (Kanso, A.,, 2004). A brief review of literature also indentifies adaptation and standardisation as the two main tactics by international marketers for business longevity (Vrontis, D., et al, 2009). In the last four decades, according to Ryans (2003), there has been extensive academic research done in the field of international marketing standardisation. However in the past, economic development was concentrated on surplus of exports as compared to imports and hence, firms mainly focused on merely minimising costs to increase their exports. However, in this increasingly competitive and changing international market, firms have realised that cost minimisation is not just enough for gaining a competitive advantage. Nowadays, firms have become more consumers oriented and have developed techniques to satisfy and understand customer preferences and needs. (Vrontis, D., et al, 2009) The objective of this essay is to understand the issue of whether a business should adopt an international marketing mix strategy which is standardized globally or adapted internationally as per individual markets. In the quest to expand their presence worldwide, acquire higher market share, increase profitability and overcome market saturation issues, internationally oriented firms continually seek for new growth opportunities (Vrontis, D., et al, 2009). According to Vrontis (2006) whenever a firm decides to market their products internationally the fundamental decision for marketers is whether to use a global marketing strategy with a standardized marketing mix or whether to adjust and adapt the elements of the marketing mix according to the unique local target market. However, Vrontis (2006) suggests that according to the literature companies make contingency choices, which relate to key determinants in each circumstance (Vrontis, D., et al, 2009, p.3). The primary distinction between global standardisation or global marketing and international adaption in international marketing management is orientation. Standardisation forms the basis of global marketing management which views the world a s a single market where as on the other hand international marketing management is guided by an adapted marketing strategy (Cateora Graham, 1999). The basis of standardization in marketing as argued by Chung, 2007, is the comparison of a firms domestic and international marketing operations. In standardization, firms standardize all their marketing mix components. Chung further suggested that the extent to which the firms should standardize their marketing functions should be assessed. He has also highlighted in his research paper, the interaction method which helps to identify the influencing factors in selecting the standardization strategy (Ryans, J., et al., 2003). Buzzell (1995) have stated that the dissimilarities amongst countries have led international firms to redesign their marketing planning according the country in which it is operating. However, he further said that this situation is changed and he recognized potential gains for firms who adopt standardization of marketing practices. Chung (2007) further argued that culture has a major effect on just the promotional element of the marketing mix. This suggests that firms should use an adapted promotional approach when entering a different cultural environment (Vrontis, D., et al, 2009, p.3) and culture has a very minimal effect on product, price and place. Backhaus and Van, J., (2007) claims that standardisation is a trade off between the possible economic benefits of a standardised approach, as well as the performance gains attained by adapting to the needs of local markets. Marketers who support global standardisation tactics argue that consumers live in a globalized world in which nation-states are not the major determinants of marketing activities; and in which consumer tastes and cultures are homogenised and satisfied through the provision of standardised global products created by global corporations (Vrontis, D., et al, 2009; Dicken, P., 1998). Levitt, 1983 said that multinational firms have moved from customising items to offering globally standardised products which are better, more reliable and lower in price. According to Levitt, multinational firms who concentrate on particular consumer preferences become puzzled and are unable to see the big picture. Levitt strongly recommends that standardisation will bring success in the long term by concentrating on what majority wants (Levitt, T., 1983). The main reasons as suggested by Papavassilou and Stathakopoulos (1997) that add values to Levitts thesis is because it allows international firms to maintain brand identity globally and helps firms to maintain a consistent global image. It also reduces the confusion with regards to perceptions of travelling customers or buyers allowing firms to adopt a single tactical approach and enables them to reduce production costs by taking advantage of economies of scales in production. Levitts, 1983 suggests that standardisation on a tactical level is very important for global markets. He further argues that global firms which operate on standardised functions, at lower cost, can consider the entire world to be a single market and can sell product in the same manner globally. Keegan Green, (2000) supports Levitt by stating that standardised global marketing is similar to mass marketing in one country involving similar marketing mix strategies. This approach of global standardisation of the marketing mix is opposed by the researchers who support international adaptation approach. According to Vrontis et al, 2009, Supporters of adaptation declare that the assumptions underlining global standardisation philosophy are contradicted by the facts. Jain, (1989, p. 71) has stated that, Standardisation is at best difficult and, at worst, impractical (Jain, S., 1989, p. 71). According to Ruigrok and Tulder (1995), Globalisation seems to be as much of an overstatement as it is an ideology. Ruigrok and Tulder (1995) further stated that it is not possible to effectively market by using standardized marketing mix methods everywhere. Helming (1982) and Youovich (1982) challenged the basic assumption of the standardisation approach and argues that similar buying motives of international consumers may, at best, be simplistic and at worst, dangerous(Vrontis, D., et. al, 2009, p.3). Hence, supporters of international adaptation argue that minor or major adaptations in the elements of the marketing mix are vital and necessary in meeting the target market demands. According to them, different international markets are subject to different micro and macro-environmental considerations and hence standardisation of the marketing mix is not feasible. The marketing mix consists of seven components namely product, price, place, people, process, positioning and promotion. Any possibility of a global marketing mix suggests that the same configuration of the seven Ps could be applicable internationally, regardless of cultural and conditional differences. Some businesses do focus on global standardization; however, current data suggests the need for local adaptation. This may be achieved by carefully analyzing the regional market segmentation (Semenik, R.,, 1995). Hassan, Craft and Kortam (2003) has distinguished three important market segmentations namely, those group of countries which have a similar product demand, different countries in different region which already have the same product and Universal segment which are present in most countries. The other drivers considered by multinational companies with respect to segmentation and operating in the international markets can be divided into macro factors such as political, e conomic, technological, geographic, etc. and micro factors which include consumer tastes, preferences, lifestyles, attitudes, etc. Lipman (1988) has supported international adaptation strategy because in his view, the global-marketing theory itself is bankrupt and bunk (Vrontis, D.,, 2009, p.3). The standardization concept which once rushed executives to reconfigure their marketing strategies are now feeling duped. The differences in the customer characteristics, climatic conditions, culture, consumer behaviour and other factors are in the ascendency and having a single global marketing strategy is a vague concept. On the other hand, the huge costs involved in adaptation and the benefits of standardisation, may not allow adaptation to be used extensively (Vrontis, D., 2005). Adaptation and Standardisation are two extreme schools of thought. The view of adopting any one of these two strategies is rejected by researchers, authors and marketers who have found it difficult to apply these strategies in practice. For them, global standardisation and international adaptation is not a proposition, but a matter of degree. Diversity amongst countries does not permit global standardisation. They have stressed on the necessity of simultaneously using both international adaptation and global standardisation wherever necessary. (Sorenson, R.,, 1975; Prahalad, C.,, 1986; Boddewyn, J., et al., 1986; Douglas, S.,, 1987; Kim, W.,, 1987; Choi, K.,, 1996; Terpstra, V.,, 1997; Vanaij, W., 1997; Hennessey, J., 2001; Vrontis, D., 2003; Vrontis, D.,, 2005). The best example of an effective international marketing firm which adopts an integrated approach of standardisation and adaptation is McDonalds. The firm has expanded internationally by branding globally and adapting to the local tastes. (Vignali, C., 2001). Successful multinational firms should incorporate elements of both approaches. Hence, incorporating both concepts means that global firms must try to standardise as many elements of the marketing mix as possible and also follow necessary adaptation in order to satisfy market needs. To conclude, the goals of market complexity and cost reduction may influence firms to consider standardisation where as customer orientation may lead them towards adaptation but by incorporating both will help firms gain a competitive advantage and above average returns. References: Backhaus, K. and Van, J., (2007), Consumer perceptions of advertising standardisation: a cross-country study of different advertising categories, International Management Review, Vol. 3 No. 4, p. 37. Boddewyn, J., Soehl, R., and Picard, J., (1986), Standardisation in international marketing: is Ted Levitt in fact right?, Business Horizons, Vol. 29, pp. 69-75. Buzzell, R., Quelch, J., and Bartlett, C., (1995), Global Marketing Management, Cases and Readings, 3rd ed., Addison-Wesley, New York, NY. Choi, K., and Jarboe, T., (1996), Mass customization in power plant design and construction, Power Engineering, Vol. 100, No. 1, pp. 33-6. Chung, H., (2007), International marketing standardisation strategies analysis:a cross-national investigation, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing, Vol. 19 No. 2, pp. 145-67. Dicken, P., (1998), Global Shift, Transforming the World Economy, 3rd ed., Paul Chapman, London. Douglas, S., and Wind, Y., (1987), The myth of globalization, Columbia Journal of World Business, Vol. 22, pp. 19-29. Hassan, S.S., Craft, S. and Kortam, W. (2003), Understanding the new bases for global market segmentation, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 446-62. Helming, A. (1982), Pitfalls lie waiting for unwary marketers, Advertising Age, n.d., p. M-8. Hennessey, J., (2001), Global Marketing Strategies, 5th ed., Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA. Jain, S.C. (1989), Standardisation of international marketing strategy: some research hypotheses, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 53, pp. 70-9. Kanso, A., and Kitchen, P., (2004), Marketing consumer services internationally: localisation and standardisation revisited, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 87-94. Keegan, W., and Green, M., (2000), Global Marketing, 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Kim, W., and Mauborgne, R., (1987), Cross-cultural strategies, The Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 7, pp. 31-40. Levitt, T., (1983), The globalization of markets, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 61, pp. 92-102. Lipman, J., (1988), Marketers turn sour on global sales pitch Harvard guru makes, Wall Street Journal, 12 May, p. 17. Papavassiliou, N., and Stathakopoulos, V., (1997), Standardisation versus adaptation of international advertising strategies: towards a framework, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 31 No. 7, pp. 504-27. Prahalad, C., and Doz, Y., (1986), The Multinational Mission: Balancing Local Demands and Global Vision, the Free Press, New York, NY. Ruigrok, W., and van Tulder, R., (1995), The Logic of International Restructuring, Routledge, London. Ryans, J., Griffth, D., and White, D., (2003), Standardization/adaptation of international strategy: necessary conditions for the advancement of knowledge, International Marketing Review, Vol. 20 No. 6, pp. 588-603. Semenik, R., and Bamossy, G., (1995), Principles of Marketing, a Global Perspective South Western, Cincinnati, USA. Sorenson, R., and Wiechmann, U., (1975), How multinationals view marketing standardisation, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 53, pp. 38-48. Terpstra, V., and Sarathy, R., (1997), International Marketing, 7th ed., Dryden Press, Fort Worth, TX. Vanraij, W., (1997), Globalisation of marketing communication?, Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol. 18, No, 2/3, pp. 259-70. Vignali, C., 2001, McDonalds: think global, act local the marketing mix, British Food Journal, Vol. 103, No. 2, p. 97. Vignali, C., and Vrontis, D., (1999), An International Marketing Reader, The Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester. Vrontis, D., (2003), Integrating adaptation and standardisation in international marketing, the AdaptStand modelling process, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 19, No. 3/4, pp. 283-305. Vrontis, D., (2005), The creation of the AdaptStand process in international marketing, Journal of Innovative Marketing, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 7-21. Vrontis, D., and Papasolomou, I., (2005), The use of entry methods in identifying multinational companies AdaptStand behaviour in foreign markets, Review of Business, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 13-20. Vrontis, D., Thrassou, A., and Lamprianou, I., (2009), International marketing adaptation versus standardization of multinational companies, Journal of International Marketing Review, Vol. 20, No. 4/5, pp. 477-500. Vrontis, D., Thrassou, A., and Vignali, C., (2006), The country-of-origin effect, on the purchase intention of apparel opportunities and threats for small firms, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 3, Nos 3/4, pp. 459-76. Youovich, B., (1982), Maintain a balance of planning, Advertising Age, n.d., p. M-7.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Geography Teaching Methods: Why Should Geography

The   term   geography   refers   to   the   study   of   the   location   and   distribution   of   living   things   and   the   earth features   among   which   they   (The   World   Book,   2001).It   describes   its   physical   features,   resources, climate,   soils,   plants,   animals,   and    peoples   and   their   distribution. Geography,   in   general,   has   several objectives. The   main   objective   of   the   geography   subject   is   to   develop   awareness   of   the   relation between   nature   and   the   man ­made   environment. It   provides   the   basis   for   understanding   population development   and   the   distribution   of   resources,   explaining   similarities   and   differences   and   discussing change   processes.It   shall   also   contribute   to   understanding   and   mastering   the   great   amount   of information   in   our   time. Therefore,   this   paper   discuses   the   view   that   geography   as   a  subject  should  be made  a  core  subject. To   begin   with,   geography   provides   the   basis   for   understanding   population   development   and   the distribution   of   resources,   explaining   similarities   and   differences   and   discussing   change   processes. The subject   also   gives   insight   into   how   natural   resources,   weather   and   climate   have   provided   the   basis   for the   settlement   and   development   of   communities.Furthermore,  Geography  also  creates  understanding  of why   resources   are    important   for   global   production,   division   of   labour and   settlement. Population development   and   global   econ omic   processes   influence   economic   development   and   the   global distribution   of   goods. The   Geography   subject   provides   an   overview   and   explains   the   localisation   of cities   and   the   scope   of   natural   and  man ­made  conditions  on  earth  (Tunney,  1976). Therefore,  it  is  wise enough   that   the   government   should   design    a   curriculum   that   considers   geography   as   a  core  subject  just like  English  as  it  is  in  Malawi.The   other   thing   is   that,   looking   at   its   objectives? Geography   subject   is   contributing  to  the  understanding and   mastering   the   great   amount  of  information  in  these  days. More  knowledge  motivates  and  stimulates the   ability   to  analyse  critically  and  understand  comprehensively. T his  can  give   the  pupils  a  good  basis  for participating   in   the   development   of   society   in   a   constructive   way. An   important   objective   of   the geography   subject   is   also   to   develop   the   pupils'   ability   to   be   tolerant   and   understand   their   global co ­responsibilities.This   only   shows   that   Geography   has  a  wider  range  in  the  sense  that  it  draws  largely from   the   natural   sciences   and   social   sciences,   such   as,   geology,   meteorology,   botany,   zoology, economics,  and  history. In   addition,   in   order   to   improve   geographic   understanding   to   the   general   public:   Increased   research attention   is   given   to   certain   core   methodological   and   conceptual   issues   in   geography   that   are  especially relevant   to   society's   concerns. More   emphasis   should   be   placed   on   priority ­driven,   cross ­cutting projects.Increased  emphasis   should  be  given  to  research  that  improves  the  understanding  of  geographic literacy,   learning,   and   problem   solving   and  the  roles  of  geographic  information  in  education  and  decision making,   including   interactive   learning   strategies   and   spatial   decision   support   systems. This   helps   the government   to   manage   and   run   its affairs   with   the   intention   of   developing   them. Therefore,   through geographical   knowledge,  one  is  able  to  operate  in  several  departments  of  the  government  hence  meeting the  full  utilization  of  limited  resources  a  country  could  have.What   is   more,   the   government   and/or   the   non ­governmental   organization   should   take   part   in   the improvement   of   geographic   literacy. Geography  education  standards  and   other  guidelines  for  improved geography   education   in   the   schools   should   be   examined   to   identify   subjects   where   geography's  current knowledge   base   needs   strengthening. A   significant   national   program   should   be   established   to   improve the   geographic   competence   of   the   republic   of   Malawi’s   general   population   as   well   as   of   leaders   in business,   government,   and   non ­governmental  interest  groups  at  all  levels.In  addition,  linkages  should  be strengthened   between   academic   geography   and   users   of   its   research. Also   concerned   and   non concerned   parties   need   to   strengthen   geographic   institutions. Since   geography   has   a   wider   range   in  its operation,   a   high   priority   should   be   placed   on   increasing  professional  interactions  between  geographers and   colleagues   in   other   sciences. A   specific   effort   too,   should   be   made   to   identify   and   address disparities   between   the   growing   demands   on   geography   as   a   subject   and   the   current   capabilities   of eography   to   respond   as   a   scientific   discipline. A  specific  effort  should  be  made  in  order  to  identify  and examine   needs   and   opportunities   for   professional   geography   to   focus   its   research   and   teaching   on certain   specific   problems   or   niches,   given   limitations   on   the   human   and   financial   resources   of   the discipline. University   and   college   administrators   should   alter   reward   structures   for   academic geographers   to   encourage,   recognize,   and   reinforce   certain   categories   of   professional   activity   that   are sometimes   underrated.To   encourage   implementation   of   these   recommendations:   Geographic   and related   organisations   should    work   together   to   develop   and   execute   a   plan    to   implement   the recommendations  in  this  department. Lastly,   it   should   be   mentioned,   however,   that   geography   being   a   multi ­dimensional   subject   that   is,   it encompasses   several   subjects  or  disciplines. The  case  of  History,  History  and  History  Teaching   play  an importan t   role   in   developing   national   identity.Against   the   background   of   ethnic,   cultural   and   national conflicts   in   South   Eastern   Europe   history    teaching   was   often   used   as   a   tool   for   promoting   nationalistic ideologies. History   textbooks   have,   in   many   cases,   been   dominated   by  biased  historical  interpretations. Sensitive   historical   issues   and   groups,   such   as   the   history   of   social   and   ethnic   minorities,   the   history   of neighbouring   countries   have   often   been   excluded   from   the   textbooks.Therefore,   history   education   in South   Eastern   Europe   has   been   identified   as   a   key   issue   for   the   reconciliation   and   democratisation process   and   thus   for   long ­term    stability  in   the  region  by  many  key  actors  at  expert  and  political  level(De Blij,  1993). In   conclusion,   it   is   a   matter   of    concern   that   the   majority   of   students   in   the   school   complete   their geographical   education   at   a  young  age. They  are  normally  given  the  chance  to  choose  the  subjects  to  be studied   in   order   to   acquire   their   certificate   at   the   end   of   their   first   year   of   post ­primary   education.It   is usually   5 ­8  subjects  inclusive  of  English. It  is  reported  by  school  management  that  appropriate  guidance and   consultation   with   parents   informs   this   choice   process,   it   is   of   concern   that   subject   choices  made  at such   an   early   stage  in  post ­primary  education   could  have  a  significant  impact   on   subject  choice  at  senior cycle   and   on   career   paths   or   access   to   third ­level  education. It  is,  therefore,  recommended  that  school management   consider   restructuring   the   curriculum   at   junior   cycle   to   widen   the  range  of  core  subjects  to include   Geography.In    the   case   of   Malawi,   English   is   a   compulsory   subject   of   all   students   to   Junior Certificate  level. REFERENCES De  Blij,  H. J. (1993). Human  Geography:  Culture,  Society,  and  Space. (4th  Ed. ). Singapore:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John  Willey  . The  World  book  Encyclopedia(2001) â€Å"The_History_of_Geography_&_its_importance. †Ã‚  123HelpMe. com. 11  Apr  2012  . Sheila   L. C. (2004). Glo balization   and   Belonging:   The   Politics   of   Identity   in   a   Changing World. Boston:  Rowman  .

Friday, January 10, 2020

“Hobson’s choice” by Harold Brighouse Essay

The play, â€Å"Hobson’s choice,† written by Harold Brighouse, was set during the time period when women’s rights were forbidden – not being allowed to vote for example. In doing so, Harold Brighouse combines both comedy and confliction, between all of the characters. When the curtain comes up, you see Hobson’s daughters on the stage in the shop. Maggie, who is hard working that she will succeed by perusing her wishes rather than her fathers. The audience would perhaps find this situation strange as women during the 19th century were not thought of as business women. As a result of this, tension rises as Maggie is defying the stereotype regarding women. She defies the fact that most women don’t make something of themselves. By looking at the account books, it portrays her personality as forceful, forthright and a business type woman. As Maggie examines the account book, it displays that she is intellectual as she understand maths and she straight seems to be more noticeable from her other sisters as soon as she enters the scene. She automatically seems to look superior to them. During the Victorian days, women had to abide by specific regulations. One of these regulations being that you had to obey your father as he was generally the master. There is a huge amount of debate in the play, â€Å"Hobson’s choice,† due to this certain rule. An example of differences developing due to that rule is when they are discussing what time to have dinner: â€Å"Dinner will be when I come in for it. I’m master here.† By Hobson actually announcing that he is master, he in my opinion is not only reminding his daughters that he is superior and his daughters are second best to him, but I feel that he is also reminding himself. This could be as he may be losing control over his daughters. In a sense, a debate occurs when Hobson and his three daughters are discussing marriage proposals as well. â€Å"You thought me past the marrying age. I’m not that’s all.† Here, Maggie is refusing to be put into the so called, â€Å"Shelved,† cluster that her father has positioned her in. There are a number of issues this play looks at towards subjects that even happen in today’s world – for example, alcohol issues, marriage, health and family structure. When Will Mossop is introduced to the play, Maggie is telling him how she wishes to be wed to him, however Will is already tokened – to be wed – to another, Ada Figgins, and is very reluctant to Maggie’s decision. Ada then comes into the shop, like every other day, to give Will his lunch she had made for him, but before she can even see Will, Maggie jumps in front of her and tells Ada she will be getting wed to Will instead. Ada and Maggie have a dispute towards Maggie’s words. Will tries to tell Maggie he is tokened and it will be with Ada like it was supposed to be, until Maggie is telling Ada to leave her shop and as Will will not stand up for Ada, instead tells her that the shop is Maggie’s fathers business and he is the employer, we all find out that the only reason Will is with Ada is because her mother is very controlling and Will actually fears her. Ada leaves the shop followed by Hobson walking back in. Maggie then tells her father about th e decision that had been made and he is very reluctant to listen to the ‘nonsense’ and lashes out on Will and hits him with his belt. Will is then very and tells Maggie he will wed her and her father will not be able to get in the way, followed by Will giving Maggie a kiss in front of her father! Will and Maggie have now left the shop together and are now starting their own business by opening up their own boot store. They both ask Mrs Hepworth if they can borrow a hundred pound to start up the business as she is the only one who can give the future a future. However, as this is all happening Hobson’s shop is losing a lot of their business and is going downhill, driving Hobson to turn to alcohol and always being in the Moonrakers. Will and Maggie wed followed by them seeking husbands for Maggie’s younger sisters, Alice and Vikki causing the Hobson family to be no more as Henry Hobson is so angry with his daughters and also humiliated. After Maggie and Will have wed they go back to the newlyweds house with the sisters and their new partners to have some tea and a slice of cake to celebrate the marriage. However the evening before the wedding took place Maggie had made a plan to keep Hobson out the way so he didn’t ruin it by waiting till he was at the Moonrakers and opening up a cellar door knowing he would fall into it and fall asleep as he was so drunk and unable to look after himself. When Hobson woke up the next day he found a letter on him saying he had been fined for trespassing on someone else’s land, which he showed to Maggie and everyone else when he went to her home that evening. Nearly a year later all three sisters have moved on and are now married, and also Vikki is expecting a baby on the way. Hobson has had the visit from the doctor who has figured out he is an alcoholic and a depressed man, and his only cure was his family, he prescribed him no medication but in fact for Maggie to move back in to look after him. After a lot of bickering between the sisters and Hobson to see who will look after him and move back in, Maggie agrees to ask Will for permission for them to move back in. Will agrees with no hesitation but is a bit nervous about shutting down his business. However, Hobson tries to tell him he will give Will back his old job and Maggie can have her old job back, Will however was not convinced nor was he happy about the offer. Instead they would share the business together and change the name to something that would suit both men. I feel as if Hobson’s Choice went over a lot of issues, some of which I have some personal knowledge in so I therefore found the play very interesting to read and see how others deal with the same situation. Even though I loved to read this play and I would recommend it to others, it was very hard to write about as so much was in it. It opens readers eyes to see what it was like to be brought up in the 19th century and see how life was supposed to be like. A very well written book, and also a very easy read but yet exciting play.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Fire Science Fair Project Ideas

Are you looking for a science fair project that involves fire or combustion? Here are some ideas for fire projects to get you brainstorming. Visual Experiments What chemicals burn in different colors?What substances can mask the colors of flames?How does diminishing oxygen affect the appearance of a flame? Material Experiments Which type of oil produces the least soot when it burns? You can collect soot (carbon black) by burning in a container and wiping it down between tests or by examining a filter paper (or coffee filter) placed in with the test oil.Does it matter what type of wax is used to make a candle?Can you construct candles using liquid oils or other fuels besides wax? Environmental Experiments Analyze whether burning trash is a good alternative to landfills.Examine the effects of flame retardant chemicals on growing plants or on animals, such as insects or aquarium fish.Which common materials (for example: paper, foam, cloth, vinyl) produce the worst smoke/air pollution when burned?Examine how controlled burning is used for forests and parks.Examine the effects of ash on soil composition.